Greenest manufacturing operation of its kind in the UK
Our aim is to operate a 100% carbon neutral and environmentally efficient service for our customers. We plan to achieve this through a combination of investment in efficient machinery, effective environmental management systems, waste capture and recycling and the use of sustainable power generation.
Minimising environmental impact is at the heart of our development
With all our processes contained in a single, purpose-built facility, we ensure carbon emissions and transportation costs are kept to an absolute minimum, with no import costs, tariffs or borders to negotiate. Being a single site, UK-based facility, we also have clear and short communication lines between each of our functions and operations, all of which help to keep lead times to a minimum.
Our goal is to achieve a completely carbon-neutral production operation, which we intend to achieve through a combination of continued investment in efficient machinery; the operation of effective environmental management systems; the use of waste capture and recycling techniques and the introduction of sustainable power generation from natural resources.
In 2011 we achieved ISO 14001: 2004 Environmental Management Systems certification. As an ISO 14001 company, we regularly re-evaluate our working practices, ensuring we continually work to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment. As a result, we continue to invest in efficient machinery, effective environmental management systems and waste capture and recycling systems, as well as the use of sustainable power generation.

Responsibly Sourced Aluminium
We source aluminium billet only from three of the world’s leading suppliers.

Waste Capture and Recycling
We aim to achieve carbon-neutral production through continued investment in efficient machinery, waste capture and recycling techniques and sustainable power generation.

With the greenest manufacturing operation of its kind in the country, sustainability is a crucial consideration across all our business operations and plan to become carbon neutral.